Thursday, August 30, 2012

Like to be a RJ?

Radio Jockey

No. of Vacancies :  12  

Job Description / Responsibility

  • Are you Proficient in Bangla and English, able to walk any talk, fun loving, smart and intelligent, respectful to others and above all a patriot?

  • Are you confident to cheer the world from Bangladesh?

  • Then, with a little effort, you can be a part of radiovubon, a popular online radio of the country. Submit your application on the RJ Hunt menu at

Job Nature : Part-time

Educational Requirements : Minimum HSC/ A Level 


For More And Apply Now Click Here


  1. I am not pass in hsc, i have done ssc and doing diploma in textail engineering,i am also a graphic desinar. I want to br a RJ . Am i have any chance? Insallah i can do much batter.
    Thank you

  2. Hi , I am doing my A levels right now . I will not say that I wanted to be a RJ but here is the thing that I want to SOMETHING DIFFERENT but with extreme passion. Hope I will get the chance inshallah
